This page contains 15 hours of AUDIO FILES for the Nutrition & Fitness Rise Up Challenge.
RISE UP to BETTER HEALTH – Mind, Body, and Soul!
These audio files will help you transform your life through developing sustainable nutrition and fitness habits.
I will share with you all the life skills and habit stacking I do with my 1-on-1 clients, so that you too, can gain the health you have always wanted.
These 15 hours of audio files will change your life for the rest of your life!
- Learn what macros are and how to calculate them
- Learn why protein is king and how much your body needs to build muscle
- Learn how eating slowly can help you lose weight and regulate your nervous system
- Learn what kinds of carbohydrates and fats are healthy to eat
- Learn how to move your body sustainably , in a way you DON’T hate
- Learn how eating in a caloric deficit is only one tool to lose weight, not the holy grail
- Learn the 3 pillars of a healthy body
- Learn how to beat cravings
- And so much more…
Go here to see the other Rise-Up Challenges or go here to see other audio file downloads.
Nutrition and Fitness Audio Files
The Fitness & Nutrition Audio Files are listed below.